Friday, 17 August 2012

Made in China

When the whole world is talking about "Made in China", our Chinese are also enjoying this topic. "Check the tag carefully before you buy things!". We are scared to purchase something "made in China" when we travel aboard because we believe the products are overcharged there. However, there is one thing we can not against when we are surrounded by temptations --- "Luxury Brands". Even it is "made in China", the price is much more cheaper in US or Europe according to many people's experiences. Don't ask me why, sometimes we also feel funny that we have to go so far to buy "made in China" products.

When the rest of world is buying "made in China", we in China, we prefer something made in somewhere else. What are Chinese's favorite "Made in XXX"?  Let me give you some clues:

1. Car
With the rise of number of "Fu Er Dai"s ( in Chinese, means rich second generations who enjoys the fortunes made by their parents), car has become a luxury toy nowadays. They buy cars not because they need them for work, it is all about showing the others their status. Among all car brands all over the world, the winner is " Made in Germany"! If you walk on the main streets in big cities like Shanghai and Hangzhou, it is not difficult to find " BMW, Audi and Mercedes Benz ". Whenever it drives by, a lot of pedestrians will stop and look at it with eye and envy. It has also become a trend to buy them to approve your achievement among high paid working class. I believe you will see more and more of these brands on the streets soon.

2.  Fashion
China is now the world's third-largest luxury goods market, worth 160 billion yuan (US$25 billion) a year. It is estimated that the country will surpass Japan and US over the next three years to become the largest luxury market in the world. Among all fashion brands, the winning title is shared between "Made in France" and "Made in Italy". Do not surprise if you see ladies wearing or carrying " Louis Vuitton " or "Gucci" anywhere on the streets in big cities, because they are already on the top of their must-have list. Recently, LV opens 16th global flagship store in Shanghai, because they has seen the potential. I think Gucci flagship store is on the way soon.

3.  Education
When the whole world questions how Ye Shi Wen can swim that fast, we know that she really made it by her hard work. All Chinese Kids are born to study hard and train hard because it is how we believe we can achieve more in our life. When all kids study hard, the new problems existed "How can you make your own kid outstanding?" So today, we have a group of people called "Hai Gui Pai" (in Chinese, means people got high education aboard and back for jobs). Among all of them, "Made in UK" gets the gold medal! Although the tuition is very expensive, the quality of education is worldly famous. Of course, English speaking country like US, Australia, and Canada is also popular, however, less people come back due to more opportunity of immigration. If you have the education background in UK, job hunting is only about your preference.

4. Sex Knowledge
Today, Chinese are not as big fan of Japanese Technology as before since we love iPhone and Samsung Galaxy more. However, there is one thing we could not live without "Made in Japan". Even it is not legal in China to sell or show the DVDs or books, smart Chinese people can figure out the other way. There are millions and millions people have been educated by Japanese skills and movements; and there are thousands and thousands of them are dreaming to have a Japanese girlfriend; and there are hundreds and hundreds of them have been in Japan to fulfill their dreams. Can't image that 20 yuan (US$3) one piece can bring such a luxurious satisfaction.

Last but not the least, US! Actually US is the country having the most "Made in China". You have our most talented people in Science, business, sports and so on. You have many of our richest companies listed on your stock market. Even we have some different opinions, but somehow we can not live without each other.

The word for today:

 zhong guo zhi  zao

    中   国  制  造

Made in China

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