Thursday, 30 August 2012

Indian Speed

Recently, I went to apply for new passport in Mumbai since the old one is going to be expired soon. I was worry that it might take long time because I am in foreign country. After talking to my officer on phone and submitting all documents, I got my new passport within a week.  I was so impressed by the efficiency.

One month ago, my Indian colleague went to apply for some additional pages on his passport (valid until 2016).  He was told that this service is not provided any more, but he can apply for new one. He had just read an article on newspaper said that according to new procedure, the passport office will not take more than 15 working days for the case like his. He will have a business trip aboard this Sept, so everybody thought that there was plenty of time for him since it is an easy case. However, until today the status of his new passport is still pending. Unfortunately, the date of the business trip is confirmed. He has to cancel his trip. The delay with no reason is too common in India, so Indians love to make fun of the speed of their government work but there is no sign to see changes. No expectation, no disappointment!

In fact, I also had some "great" experience with India government when I was applying for the residential permit in Mumbai. The officer said that there was no problem with my documents but everything must be sent and approved by Delhi Office first. "When can I get feedback? Normally how long will it take?" I asked. " I am not sure. It all dependents on how fast Delhi office works and when they will look up your file, but I personally suggest you go to Delhi with my signed letter and apply from there directly if you are in hurry. If you wait here, it may be done within a week or more than a month, or even longer." The officer answered sincerely. "If you have approved all my documents here, why I need to spend extra money for a round trip air ticket to Delhi and maybe one night expense for the hotel there." That was my first thought. To be honest, I actually felt that he was making fun or just did not want to take any responsibility if there is any problem. Unfortunately, he was right. After waiting for one month without any updated news, I asked for one day off and got on the flight to Delhi in the morning and came back at the same day night to get this permit thing done. In Delhi office, I saw that British guy who was also with me in Mumbai Office. After sharing some experiences, suddenly, I felt released because I was not the only one really believed that India government at least would not work that slow with foreigners. My friends said that's the best example as everybody is equal!

Anyway, my case finally closed 2 weeks after my Delhi trip. I hope that I don't need to go to Delhi every year because of that. Maybe there are some reasons behind the long procedure, but somehow,
please make it more reasonable or give a time line. At least, let us feel that you really work on it and have the reason to delay.

The word for Today:

Jia Su  (Du)

速 (度)

Speed up!

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