Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Almost One Year ?!

I was a sort of nervous and curious at this time last year.

Nervous, because I quit the job I loved a lot and chose to follow my love to live in India, a totally new country for me. It was not easy to convince myself  it was a correct decision since I have to be far away from my family and friends, give up so many things I got used to do. Nobody was sure that I could stay here for long. I was just like a student and facing an important exam. 

Curious, because I didn't have an idea about this country besides Taj Mahal from the history book. I had some Indians in my class when I studied in Europe. All of them were really talkative. It was so much fun to have them in parties since all of them were brilliant dancers and crazy drinkers. They were also smart in marks and making friends with professors! Our US professor was amazed by their rich culture since he used to teach in India. So visiting India, was on my to-do list anyway, but never thought it would happen so soon!

As time goes by, I was simply doing fine here. I spent some time to travel around country and tried to understand the culture. I have been to Taj Mahal, Jaipur, Delhi, Goa, Shimla and so on. The entire country is so diverse. There are so many different languages, religious, customs, philosophy and lifestyle. I will share some of my experiences with you later on. 

Today, the word in Mandarin:

Ni Hao,   Yin Du!
你好,     印度!

Hello, India! 

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