Saturday, 4 October 2014

"Clean India", will it be always a dream?

Have you ever seen an Prime Minister sweeping the street with such a proud? Yes, I did. Just got down the flight from his US trip, the Prime Minister Modi surprised whole India again by holding the broom in front of Media......


2 October, it is always a very special date in every Indian's heart, because it is the birth anniversary of the father of the nation --- Mr  Mahatma Gandhi who led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. His idea of "nonviolent civil disobedience" has been influencing on many generations. However, very less people knows that there was one more thing he was keen on --- the cleanliness of the nation which has been left behind for many years. But, this year, at the ceremony of his 145th birth anniversary, PM Modi launched the biggest campaign named "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan" (Clean India). He is aimed at making India a clean country by 2019 in order to fulfill the dream of Gandhi at his 150th anniversary. 

The PM's "clean" India posted
 on his official tweeter 
After his announcement, entire India warmed up for this event. The photo of him holding the broom and sweeping the street became so popular in all kinds of media. He also invited 9 person to come to public places and work towards clean India. Of course they need to challenge the other 9 person afterwards to assure this activity will keep going on. He highlighted that "This campaign is above politics, this is purely due to our love for the nation." He hopes that all Indian will take a part of it. Many famous people such as popular Bollywood starts and cricket players, have accepted his challenge and were very supportive.  It becomes like a Indian version of "Ice-bucket challenge". However, just like PM Modi said by himself "This is not about Modi... Modi is only one of its 1.2 billion people... This is people's task." How many Indians will really follow his idea and build up good habits? It is not easy to change peoples' mindset, isn't it? 

As a foreigner living in India for many years, I can feel the difference after Mr Modi became the new PM. People are excited  and full of hopes. I have no doubt about his charm among his people, but 5-year is long enough? 

Good luck, Mr Modi! Good luck, India! 

 The word for today
gan jing

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